Right To Know Request
How to File a Request
The first thing to do before filing a RTK request is to determine which agency is most likely to have the records you want. To assist you in finding these forms we have included links to the State’s OOR Office, Lackawanna County RTK office, PennDot, and Federal Office of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA.
General requests made to the township are answered within the required time frame. Please make sure the request is completely filled out in the event there is questions to complete your request.
The Ransom Township Open Records Officer is JoAnn Pane, the direct number to reach her is 570-586-7250. You can choose to file a RTK request in person or by clicking on the “Right 2 Know” link found directly below.
For regulations, policies and procedures related to the Right To Know Law, please visit the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.