(570) 586 - 7250 info@ransomtownship.com


Welcome to Ransom Township Municipal COVID-19

The Ransom Township Municipal Building will be opening for regular business on Monday, May 4, 2020.  Following the recommendations of social distancing and guidelines from the CDC, you MUST wear a mask to enter the building and conduct any type of business with employees.  Hand sanitizer will be provided for use while in the building.

Per the signing of Bill 841 by Governor Wolf, Ransom Townships Board of Supervisors have decided to waive any and all late fees and penalties for property taxes.  Normally, the property tax “safe” period ends May 31, 2020.  Ransom Township residents have until December 31, 2020 to pay their property taxes without the added stress of a late fee or penalty.

The Board of Supervisors Work Sessions and Township meetings will now take place in the garage area of the building until further notice, dates and times have not changed.  You will enter through the open overhead door and you MUST wear a mask.  To practice social distancing and safety precautions, hand sanitizer will be provided for use while in attendance and chairs will be spaced at least 6 feet apart.

Spring clean-up WILL BE taking place on Friday, May 8th  and Saturday May 9th . You MUST wear a mask when you enter the Township property and maintain all social distancing guidelines.  You will also be responsible to unload your items for drop-off.  If there are larger items, the loader will be used to assist you, again, maintaining the minimum 6 feet social distancing guidelines.


Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Ransom Township Municipal building will be closed to all visitors.  Township business is to be done by phone (570-586-7250), mail, fax (570-587-7021) or email (ransom2435@epix.net) during the normal business hours of Monday – Friday 7am to 3pm. The Board of Supervisors meeting scheduled for April 6, 2020 is canceled.

If paperwork is required to be in the office by a specific date/time, the mail slot to the right of the main entrance doors is to be used. 

The Board of Supervisors has declared limited access to Public areas. Public access to all Ransom Township halls, pavilions, parks and playgrounds will be restricted effective immediately, March 19, 2020 until further notice. 

Taxes will need to be mailed to the tax collector. If you would like a receipt, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope in with your payment. The address to mail your payment is Tax Collector 2623 Bald Mountain Road, Clarks Summit, PA 18411. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lenay Blackwell directly at 570-587-3434. 

The health, safety and well-being of the residents of the Township is our first priority. Please follow all directives from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this limited access period. All of our efforts are to help mitigate the spread of the virus throughout the community.  Stay safe and practice social distancing. *Please note that a state of emergency was not declared by the Board of Supervisors just the limited access procedures listed above.*